Système international et double diplomation
The Department of English is committed to promoting a deep appreciation of the richness of the English language and its literatures. Our department is a vibrant community where students and faculty explore texts spanning centuries and continents, discovering the profound impact of literature on society and individual experience.

- Mots de la Directrice / Directeur
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Description de la Directrice / Directeur
I am GUIGUI Ligue Jean-Laurent, Director of the British department at the EEM BUSINESS SCHOOL OF ABIDJAN. As Director of the British department at the EEM Business School of Abidjan, I am deeply passionate about academic excellence, quality work, and innovation. My journey as a student in one of the prestigious high schools in Côte d'Ivoire, the Lycée Classique d'Abidjan** , and as a student at a British university instilled in me a sense of academic rigor and an approach focused on quality and innovation. Drawing from my British university experience, I bring a thorough understanding of the highest academic standards and an innovative vision of education. I am committed to making the EEM British Department a pioneer of British education in Côte d'Ivoire by integrating best practices and encouraging innovation at all levels of our institution. My passion for quality work is reflected in my dedication to providing a high-quality ed .